Friday, October 22, 2010

My Favorite World News local newspaper

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Is it me, or are there others who agree, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is not big news? Why, oh why did the news headlines? Also, is "Dancing with the Stars", which is so urgent for me to know and understand that I have to do as I drag out of bed and turn on the TV every morning that just want to watch the news? I have tried different news networks and even I think the entertainment world by beating each of them. Please do not misunderstand, I enjoy entertainment as much as the next person. I just do not think that has to be the biggest news of the day in each network. Somehow, I can not find myself worrying if the wedding took place in Italy and Austria, unless, of course, was my own or a friend or family member. It seems that I can not get the attention they designed the clothes. I can change the channel again and again and still see the same things. When are you going to design a channel that covers news? I want real news. I want news that makes a difference in my day. I want news that helps me understand my world. Can not even keep up with all the markets of travel and equipment and sports scores on the same screen. I am so confused in this world of multi-tasking my head hurts before they can even begin to make sense of much of it. As much as I can, always tend to lose exactly what I was expecting, whatever. Fortunately, we can now rewind live TV. Of course, when it comes to what finally wanted to hear, says nothing more, "More on this story in the next half hour." My thoughts immediately after the hearing, ie, "My God, I have to be at work in the next half hour." I wish I could find a news network that he was not entertainment news has to top the list. Once again, I'm not saying anything against entertainment news. If that's what you want to hear you're in luck. It's everywhere! I just want some real world news that makes me think. Tom and Katie just do not tend to do that for me. The video above rated CNN news today is "Cruise, Holmes Fairytale Wedding." It, along with a video of Blink 182 were above everyone else. I hope I'm not alone in my desire to hear news that changes in our world and not just news that changes our sense of fashion or something like that. Looks like I'm in the minority with that choice, because the news networks are telling the stories that sell. What happened to simply telling us what is really happening? I think what's really going on is not for sale.